When I first got to my new home I was being a little weird .. and randomly began having seziures .. mom took me to the vet and they couldn’t come up with anything. They did find a URI so I started meds for that for about a week.
Everything seemed super normal then I had a really bad one a week later so mom brought me back to the vet , they did some tests and a blood panel finding out that I have a brain abnormality called cerebellar hypoplasia. It affects my walking and standing … I could grow out of it and become normal while doing these things or I’ll just remain a little wonky either way is okay !
16.06.21 5:38 pm
Smudge, I can tell that you won’t let your diagnosis bother you one bit. It sure doesn’t interfere with you being downright ADORABLE!
P.S. You might want to switch your blog theme to one that allows you to share landscape images without smushing them vertically like this one does (it distorts the image). Let us know if you’d like help OK?
#16.06.21 5:39 pm
That would be amazing! Thank you ! How do I do that?